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Welcome to our Winter Set - an exquisite selection of incense sticks that are perfect for the cold winter months.

Our incense sticks are traditionally made in India and are available in 26 different fragrances, including Oud, Orange, Nag Champa, Chocolate, Mystic Herbs, Cinnamon, India Darshan, Eaglewood, Coffee, Moon, Musk, Frankincense, Almond, Cannabis, Peppermint, Benzoin, Clove, Kamasutra, Mandarin, Vanilla, Sandalwood, Opium, Ylang-Ylang, Eucalyptus, Honey and Myrrh.

Each pack contains 8 incense sticks with a glow time of 30-45 minutes.

You get 26 different scents, without duplicate packs.

The Winter Set is perfect for anyone who wants to create a cozy atmosphere in their home while warming up on cold winter days.

Product video / Unboxing
Article type: Incense sticks
Fragrance group: Festive , Special
Fragrance: Almond , Benzoin , Cannabis , Chocolate , Cinnamon , Cloves , Coffee , Eagle Wood , Eucalyptus , Honey , Incense , India Darshan , Kamasutra , Moon , Musk , Myrrh , Mystical , Nag Champa , Opium , Orange , Oud / Oudh , Peppermint , Sandalwood , Tangerine , Vanilla , Ylang-Ylang
Fragrance type: Flavoured
Glow time: up to 45min
Specials: Product video
Origin: India

Luxflair is a German company that specializes in the production and direct sale of incense and felt products. The range includes handmade incense sticks in various fragrances as well as handmade felt items such as storage boxes, table runners and seat cushions. Luxflair attaches great importance to quality and sustainability by working closely with manufacturers in India and delivering the products directly to customers without intermediaries.

Luxflair GmbH & Co. KG
Muehlbachstrasse 9
DE-94437 Mamming

10 of 85 reviews

Average rating of 4.5 out of 5 stars






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1 September 2023

Review with rating of 5 out of 5 stars

testpaket ok

testpaket um verschiedene Düfte auszuprobieren, öfter mal was neues,

1 October 2015

Review with rating of 5 out of 5 stars

Die Räucherstäbchen Auswahl gefiel mir sehr :), die Lieferung war auch in 2 Tagen da. Die kleine Zusatzkarte war sozusagen eine nette Geste :). Also falls ich mal wieder Räucherstäbchen brauchen sollte, hole ich sie mir definitiv wieder.

22 August 2015

Review with rating of 5 out of 5 stars

Mit dieser Bestellung bin ich super zufrieden! Das Produkt kam in einer sehr schönen Verpackung an. Anbei gab es noch einen netten Kartengruß, was ich auch sehr schön fand!! Die Räucherstäbchen gibt es in abwechslungsreichen Duftrichtungen und riechen sehr gut! Im Verhältnis zu den "im Laden" erhältlichen Räucherstäbchen handelt es sich hierbei um ein absolutes Schnäppchen und regt enorm für einen Wiederkauf an!! Schon bald werde ich bei diesem Händler dieses Produkt wieder bestellen und es zum Geburtstag weiter verschenken. Ich bin sehr begeistert davon und kann dieses Produkt und diesen Händler nur weiter empfehlen!

11 April 2015

Review with rating of 5 out of 5 stars

die Räucherstäbchen verströmen einen angenehmen Duft und haben eine erstaunlich lange Brenndauer, über die vielen unterschiedlichen Sorten die geliefert wurden kann man sich sehr freuen und für jeden ist etwas dabei. Würde ich jederzeit wieder bestellen. :)

8 August 2015

Review with rating of 5 out of 5 stars

schnelle Bearbeitung, große Auswahl und kein Päckchen doppelt, viele außergewöhnliche Duftrichtungen, werde bei Bedarf auf jeden Fall dort wieder bestellen

14 February 2015

Review with rating of 5 out of 5 stars

Diese Räucherstäbchen sind wirklich super. Brennen gut und haben einen intensiven Duft. Bin sehr zufrieden. Würde ich jederzeit wieder kaufen.

1 April 2015

Review with rating of 5 out of 5 stars

Voller Erwartung und Neugier am 30.03.2015 bestellt - und bereits am 31.03.2015 durch die Post zugestellt! 25 verschiedene Packungen (KEINE doppelt!) Räucherstäbchen (bis jetzt, nur ein paar ausprobiert) in wunderbaren, intensiven und exotischen Duftnoten, sinnlich, fremd für unseres, eher plattes, Geruchsempfinden, aber für MEIN Empfinden äußerst wohluend und beruhigend. Die Brenndauer ist extrem lang, je nach Aroma ca. 30-45 min. Ich liebe die indische Küche mit ihren vielfältigen Gewürzen sowie Geschmacksrichtungen und diese Räucherstäbchen runden mein positives Empfinden für diesen interessanten Kulturkreis in hervorragender Weise ab! Ich bin mit der Qualität dieser Produkte und dem Blitz-Versand, der liebevollen Verpackung mit den äußerst netten Begleitschreiben von Luxflair sehr zufrieden. Ich kann dieses Produkt uneingeschränkt weiter empfehlen.

5 August 2023

Review with rating of 5 out of 5 stars



6 October 2015

Review with rating of 5 out of 5 stars

Immer wieder Luxflair! die Stäbchen kommen in einem origin. Luxflair Pappkarton an sodass man sie darin drin liegen lassen kann nachdem man sich ein passendes Stäbchen rausgeholt hat. Alle riechen toll im original zustand!! Eine große Auswahl nur angezündet riecht s bei mir erst immer nur nach Qualm ich denke ich übe das nochmal :-D ich bin mir sicher der Navhduft entwickelt sich erst noch. Hab grad erst das erste Stäbchen angezündet und Warte mal ab. Vom Versand und von der Duftnote einfach nur Top. Lieferung nach Bestellung 1.Werktag!

1 November 2015

Review with rating of 5 out of 5 stars

Eine sehr schöne, vielfältige Mischung. Wer mal wieder neue Düfte für sich entdecken möchte und auch die "Klassiker" liebt, hat hier eine wunderbare Zusammenstellung unterschiedlichster Räucherstäbchen.

Matching accessories


Average rating of 4.5 out of 5 stars

Set of 3 incense sticks made of wood
As all stick holders are finely handcrafted, each has a slightly different, individual pattern and color structure.These decorative-rich incense stick holders each hold 1 incense stick and also serve as an ash catcher.Each length about 26cm, width about 3.6cm, slightly curved, with ash tray and incense stick hole.

€6.50  €7.50  (13.33% saved)

Average rating of 4.5 out of 5 stars

Incense stick holder brown set of 5 made of sheesham wood
Set of 5 individual incense holders, Original from Luxflair All our incense holders are finely handcrafted. Therefore, each has a slightly different, individual pattern and color structure. These decorative incense stick holders each hold 1 incense stick and also serve as an ash catcher. Each length approx. 26cm, width approx. 3.6cm, slightly curved, with ash tray and incense stick hole.

€8.00  €12.50  (36% saved)

Average rating of 4.6 out of 5 stars

Sheesham Wood Incense Box with Copper Flower Ornament
This pretty incense box was handmade from sheesham wood and is suitable for both incense sticks and incense cones. The brass lined recess ensures a safe burning of incense candles. In our incense box you can at the same time store your incense sticks optimally: at the bottom of the incense box is a storage compartment for sticks available.Through well thought-out openings on the top, the smoke is distributed optimally and provides a pleasant atmosphere. The elegant incense burner is artfully decorated with floral ornaments made of brass and polished and oiled on the outside.The incense box is about 5.5 x 6 x 30.5 cm in size and offers space for one incense stick or one incense cone. .

€11.00  €14.00  (21.43% saved)

Average rating of 4.6 out of 5 stars

Sheesham Wood Incense Tower with Copper Flower Ornament
Elegant incense burner, handmade from sheesham wood, suitable for incense sticks and incense cones. Artfully inserted brass flower ornament, knob for easy opening and closing. Openings on all 4 sides, pleasant and even smoke distribution. High-quality and stable processing, firm stand, outside polished and oiled.Size: width approx 7.5cm, length approx 7.5cm, height approx 31cm.

€11.00  €14.00  (21.43% saved)

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

Incense holder set of 5 in black, red, yellow, purple
Colorful set consisting of 5 high-quality incense holdersVery beautifully crafted incense holders made of sheesham wood are decorative, but serve primarily to catch the falling ash of incense sticks.The manufacturing is still done quite traditionally by hand in India. Long experience and careful execution lead to unique products.Size of the incense holder: Long approx. 25.5 cm, width approx. 3.8 cm, slightly curved

€8.00  €12.50  (36% saved)

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

Incense holder set of 5 in black and purple
Incense stick set with individual patternVery beautifully crafted incense holders made of sheesham wood are decorative with an incomparable ornamentation and color patterning, but serve primarily to catch the falling ash of incense sticks.The manufacturing is still done quite traditionally by hand in India. Long experience and careful execution lead to unique products.Size of the incense holder: Long approx. 25.5 cm, width approx. 3.8 cm, slightly curved.

€8.00  €12.50  (36% saved)

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

Incense stick holder handmade, set of 3 made of wood
Exclusive set of 3 incense holdersVery beautifully crafted incense holders made of sheesham wood are decorative with an incomparable ornamentation, but serve primarily to catch the falling ash of incense sticks.The manufacturing is still done quite traditionally by hand in India. Long experience and careful execution lead to unique products.Size of the incense holder: Long approx. 25.5 cm, width approx. 3.8 cm, slightly curved.

€6.50  €7.50  (13.33% saved)

Average rating of 4 out of 5 stars

Sheesham wood incense box with carving, brown
This pretty incense box was handmade from sheesham wood and is suitable for both incense sticks and incense cones. The brass lined recess ensures a safe burning of incense candles. In our incense box you can at the same time store your incense sticks optimally: at the bottom of the incense box is a storage compartment for sticks available.Through well thought-out openings on the top, the smoke is distributed optimally and provides a pleasant atmosphere. The elegant incense burner is artfully decorated with carving and polished outside.The incense box is about 5.5 x 6 x 30.5 cm in size and offers space for one incense stick or one incense cone..

€11.00  €13.00  (15.38% saved)

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

Incense box made of sheesham wood, handmade, with carving
Incense box with decoration, handmadeThis pretty incense box was handmade from sheesham wood and is suitable for both incense sticks and incense cones. The brass lined recess ensures a safe burning of incense candles. In our incense box you can at the same time store your incense sticks optimally: at the bottom of the incense box is a storage compartment for sticks available.Through well thought-out openings on the top, the smoke is distributed optimally and provides a pleasant atmosphere. The elegant incense burner is artfully decorated with carving and polished outside.The incense box is about 5.5 x 6 x 30.5 cm in size and offers space for one incense stick or one incense cone..

€11.00  €14.00  (21.43% saved)