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Eine Zeit für Rituale und Besinnung

Die Rauhnächte sind eine ganz besondere Zeit. Die 12 Nächte zwischen Weihnachten und dem Dreikönigsfest stehen für Reinigung, Loslassen und Neuanfang. In dieser Zeit ist es wichtig, sich bewusst zu machen, was im vergangenen Jahr gut gelaufen ist und was man besser machen kann. Diese Zeit sollte genutzt werden, um über die Ziele für das neue Jahr nachzudenken und Rituale wie das Ausräuchern von Räumen mit Räucherwerk oder Räucherwerk durchzuführen, die einem helfen, sich auf die positiven Veränderungen vorzubereiten.

Die Rauhnächte - was ist das eigentlich?

Die Rauhnächte sind eine Zeit der Stille und der Besinnung – eine willkommene Abwechslung zum stressigen Alltag. Viele Menschen nutzen diese Zeit, um ihre spirituelle Kraft zu stärken und neue Perspektiven zu gewinnen. In den Rauhnächten finden viele spirituelle Feiern und Rituale statt, bei denen Menschen die Gelegenheit haben, sich mit dem Göttlichen zu verbinden.

Einige Beispiele für traditionelle Rauhnacht-Rituale sind das Zubereiten einer Mahlzeit für die Familie oder Freunde, das Lesen von spirituellen Schriften oder das Ausräuchern der eigenen vier Wände. Viele Menschen nehmen auch die Gelegenheit wahr, um sich selbst besser kennenzulernen und über ihre Ziele nachzudenken.

Wann finden die Rauhnächte statt?

Die in manchen Regionen auch Unternächte genannten, finden vom 24. Dezember bis zum 6. Januar statt und sind somit 12 Tage lang. In dieser Zeit soll man sich besonders gut vor bösen Geistern schützen, da diese angeblich verstärkt unterwegs sind. Einige Leute sagen, dass Rauhnächte so etwas wie eine Anderswelt sind und in dieser Zeit die Türen zur Zukunft geöffnet werden. Früher hat man in der Nacht vom 5. auf den 6. Januar um Mitternacht alle Feuer gelöscht und neue entzündet, damit böse Geister keinen Einlass finden konnten.
In unserer modernen Welt ist es natürlich nicht mehr möglich. Aber vielleicht gibt es ja doch noch ein paar Dinge, die man tun kann, um sich in dieser Zeit besonders gut vor bösen Geistern zu schützen?

Woher kommt der Name Rauhnächte?

Der Name Rauhnächte kommt aus dem Althochdeutschen und bedeutet so viel wie „rauhe Nächte“. Dieser Name spiegelt die raue und ungemütliche Witterung dieser Jahreszeit wider, in der es häufig zu Stürmen und Schneefällen kommt. In früheren Zeiten war diese Jahreszeit deshalb auch mit einem Gefühl der Angst und des Unbehagens verbunden.

Welche Rituale und Besinnungen gibt es in den Rauhnächten?

Räucherstäbchen und Räucherwerk sind in den Rauhnächten ein sehr beliebtes Mittel, um die eigene Aura zu reinigen und zu stärken. Sie werden entweder in einem Rauchergefäß oder direkt auf einem Kohlestück angezündet und können in den Räumen verteilt werden, in denen man sich gerade aufhält. Es gibt viele verschiedene Kräuter und Gewürze, die für die Rauhnacht-Rituale verwendet werden können, aber einige der beliebtesten sind Sandelholz, Patschuli, Myrrhe, Salbei und Lavendel.

Meditationen sind in den Rauhnächten ebenfalls sehr beliebt. Sie dienen dazu, den Geist zu beruhigen und zu entspannen. Es gibt viele verschiedene Arten von Meditationen, die man in den Rauhnächten praktizieren kann. Einige Menschen bevorzugen es, einfach nur still zu sitzen und die Umgebung um sich herum wahrzunehmen, während andere lieber mit geschlossenen Augen meditieren und sich auf ihre Atmung konzentrieren.

Welche Räucherstäbchen sind empfehlenswert?

Welche am besten geeignet sind, hängt von den eigenen Vorlieben ab. Hier sind einige empfehlenswerte Räucherstäbchen für die Rauhnächte:

  1. Loban: Weihrauch ist eines der ältesten und bekanntesten Räuchermittel. Es hat einen klaren, holzigen Duft und wirkt beruhigend und entspannend. Weihrauch ist ideal für die Meditation und das Gebet.
  2. Myrrhe: Myrrhe hat einen starken, süßlichen Duft und wird seit Jahrhunderten in der Kirche verwendet. Sie wirkt sehr reinigend und kann helfen, negativen Energien zu vertreiben. Myrrhe war in der Vergangenheit auch ein beliebtes Mittel für die Heilung von Krankheiten und Wunden.
  3. Lavendel: Lavendel hat einen angenehm blumigen Duft und wirkt entspannend und beruhigend. Er ist ideal für die Nachtruhe und hilft bei Stress und Anspannung.
  4. Weißer Salbei: Salbei hat einen klaren, erfrischenden Duft. Er ist ideal für diejenigen, die unter Stress stehen oder an Schlaflosigkeit leiden.
  5. Copal: auch Kopal genannt, ist ein Harz, das seit Jahrhunderten verwendet wird. Es hat einen süßlichen, karamellartigen Duft und wirkt reinigend und schützend.

Die Rauhnächte sind eine ganz besondere Zeit und ich freue mich, dass Sie sich die Mühe gemacht haben, mehr darüber zu erfahren. Jetzt ist es an der Zeit, aktiv zu werden und Ihre eigenen Rauhnacht-Rituale zu gestalten. Ein guter Ort, um damit zu beginnen, ist gleich hier. Bei Luxflair finden Sie alles, was Sie für Ihre Rituale benötigen, von Räucherstäbchen bis hin zum Räucherwerk. Viel Spaß beim Stöbern!

12x incense pots filled with benzoin resin (Guru Vandana)
Incense as a quick alternative to the classic incense charcoal, because already ready for smoking. Well suited for on the road, usable in traditional rituals, eg cleaning, Rauhnächte, to incense mixtures with other resins such as incense.Note: due to the stronger smoke development with incense coals (compared to incense sticks), we recommend the use outdoors or in well-ventilated rooms. Compared to self-igniting charcoal pieces, we do not use sulfur additives, black powder or magnesium.

Colored incense mix 50g in premium quality
Incense, also known as olibanum, is a resin from a so-called frankincense tree that is used for burning incense. Most people are familiar with this resin from the church or the story of the three holy kings. However, it is not only used in the church to create a pleasant smell, but also to create a pleasant atmosphere.Incense is used to clean houses or apartments. Rooms can thus be freed from negative energies or spirits. It is even said to improve the condition of pets that behave in a disturbing or strange manner due to the influence of negative energies. Negative energies can, incidentally, also cause stress and bad moods, which can be prevented by burning incense.In every ritual or session you will find incense. Here it is burned to release the purifying substances.However, it is not necessary to burn the resin. It is also perfectly sufficient to let it vaporize over a tea light.One package contains 50g of coarsely ground resin in premium quality, ideal for smoking with incense charcoal or sieve.

Content: 50 Gramm (€18.00  / 100 Gramm)

Frankincense Go Away Evil, 50g
Incense, which is often also called olibanum, is an incense resin from the so-called frankincense tree. As is well known, frankincense is mainly used in the church or in the story of the three holy kings. However, it is not only used for holy masses, but is also said to create a pleasant atmosphere.Our Go Away Evil incense is said to provide protection against external influences and give you the energy to go your own way again. Its spicy scent is said to not only cleanse your home of evil, but also purify your body and mind. You will find frankincense in every ritual. It is used here to release the purifying substances.However, it is not necessary to burn the resin directly. All you need to do is vaporize the resin over a tea light.

Content: 50 Gramm (€18.00  / 100 Gramm)

Frankincense Jerusalem, 50g
Incense is also known as olibanum, which consists of coarse-grained resins. Frankincense is probably best known for its use in the church. It is not only used in holy masses, but also in ritual sessions and meditations. It is used there to release the sacred substances and purify rooms.The black-golden incense with its oriental fragrance is said to have not only a clarifying but also a relaxing effect and is therefore ideal for meditations and sessions.

Content: 50 Gramm (€18.00  / 100 Gramm)

Frankincense Unblocker, 50g
Incense, also known as olibanum, is a resin from a so-called frankincense tree that is used for burning incense. Most people are familiar with this resin from the church or the story of the three holy kings. However, it is not only used in the church to create a pleasant smell, but also to create a pleasant atmosphere.Our unblocker incense with its mystical aroma is designed to help you eliminate negative vibrations and open the door to happiness, prosperity, love and success.You will find incense in every ritual or retreat. Here it is burned to release the purifying substances.However, it is not necessary to burn the resin. It is also perfectly sufficient to let it evaporate over a tea light.

Content: 50 Gramm (€18.00  / 100 Gramm)

Take 3 - Pay only 2
Incense "Against jealousy"
If you are plagued by envy and jealousy, then let yourself be enchanted by these incense sticks. The scent will spread throughout your home and free your thoughts again. A pack contains 8 incense sticks with a respective burning time of about 45 minutes.

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Incense dragon blood
Dragon Blood incense sticks (English Dragon Blood) develop a herb-spicy smell. They are said to have a cleansing effect and neutralize negative energies. It is therefore often used for rituals.A pack contains 8 incense sticks with a burning time of about 45min..

Take 3 - Pay only 2
Incense Money Blessing
The incense sticks not only look great, but also spread a pleasant scent during their burning time of about 45 minutes. The smoke creates a special atmosphere. Treat yourself to this special experience.A package consists of 8 incense sticks.

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Incense money rain
The incense sticks not only look great, but also spread a pleasant scent through their burning time of about 45 minutes. The smoke creates a special atmosphere. Treat yourself to a special experience with these incense sticks.A pack consists of 8 incense sticks.

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Incense Sticks Anti Stress
Free your mind with aromatic premium incense sticks of Luxflair.Let yourself be pampered by the pleasant scent of our anti-stress incense sticks, these are perfect to dangle the soul after a long day and let the thoughts run free. The aroma spreads a pleasant scent in the room with a burning time of about 45 minutes, this can unfold perfectly in the room.A package contains 8 incense sticks.

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Incense Sticks Archangel Michael
The archangel Michael stands for strength, protection and power. Angels are just waiting to be close to us - to support and accompany us. They love fragrant smells and people who do not doubt their existence but enjoy it. The scent of the incense spreads pleasantly in the room, with a burning time of about 45 minutes.A package contains 8 incense sticks..

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Incense sticks benzoin
Benzoin is a resin that gives off a slightly vanilla smell and may even remind you of chocolate.With these incense sticks you have the opportunity to experience a fantastic fragrance that is often perceived as cozy and warm. Thanks to the scent benzoin you will definitely succeed in forgetting the stressful everyday life and lose yourself in this sweet and balsamic scent.One pack contains 8 incense sticks and each have a burning time of about 45 minutes..

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Incense sticks Copal
Copal incense sticks have a slightly citrusy scent with a balsamic distress. Often used in incense for energetic cleansing, especially since the scent is very similar to that of incense. The sticks are said to have a mood-lifting and cleansing effect. Best suited for meditation or rituals.A pack contains 8 incense sticks with a respective burning time of 30-45 minutes..

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Incense sticks incense
The classic among the incense sticks: through its warm, balsamic-spicy aroma, the incense spreads a soothing atmosphere. The pleasant stimulating smell also spreads an ambiance full of purity and tranquility.The incense is said to have healing properties. Among them, it is anti-inflammatory and facilitating for the respiratory system. A package contains 8 incense sticks, these have each a burning time of 30 to 45 minutes..

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Incense sticks lavender
Enjoy the incomparable smell of lavender in your home.To dive into the intense floral scent of lavender, you only need a few incense sticks. Lavender flowers are collected between June and August and thus contain a piece of summer, which you should treat yourself from time to time.Lavender is grown mainly in Provence and thus evokes memories of the last trip to France.A package contains 8 incense sticks with a respective burning time of 30-45 minutes..

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Incense sticks Loban
Loban, also known as guggul or bdellium, is a gum resin that comes from the balsam tree. The balsam tree grows in India, especially in the dry areas there. The yellowish-brown resin has a very old and traditional history. It was used accordingly in ancient times.The incense scent is reminiscent of the sweet smell of vanilla and is used in Ayurvedic medicine against rheumatism or obesity.Special feature: in the manufacture of these incense sticks real incense resin is incorporated into the incense mass.A package contains 8 incense sticks with a respective burning time of about 45min..

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Incense sticks love
Love is a feeling of strong affection, connection and appreciation. Every person needs love and does not want to miss this feeling. Your home should also be filled with love. Awaken the flow of love, use it to strengthen and for romantic hours for two. The aroma spreads a pleasant scent in the room with a burning time of about 45 minutes.A package contains 8 incense sticks.

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Incense sticks moon
A fragrance among the incense sticks that is not very sweet and pleasantly soothing, they let go and feel on the beautiful side of life. You get up after meditation and feel like newborn. Even without meditation, you will be a contented fragrance lover. With the promising and pleasant "moon scent" you will become a fan of the incense sticks and want to enjoy a new aroma every day.One pack contains 8 incense sticks with a respective burning time of 30-45 minutes..

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Incense sticks mysticism
The incense sticks not only look great, but also provide a pleasant herbal scent for a very long time due to the special manufacturing and the associated rolling with a burning time of 30-45 minutes. The smoke creates a special atmosphere.Give yourself a special experience with these mystic incense sticks.A package contains 8 incense sticks with a respective burning time of 30-45 minutes.

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Incense sticks power
Fill up with new strength and energy, awaken your energy reserves both the worldly and the spiritual, so that you feel well and balanced again.A package contains 8 incense sticks with a respective burning time of about 45 minutes.

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Incense Sticks Wealth
The incense sticks spreads a pleasant scent in the room. They carry the wishes for financial freedom with the rising smoke to wish fulfillment in the universe.The burning time of an incense stick is about 45 minutes. A package contains 8 incense sticks.

Myrrh 50g in premium quality
Myrrh is the resin of a rather prickly tree that loves the open scrubland of East Africa, but also Oman. The flowers are small and slightly yellowish, rather greenish. Myrrh was already used in ancient Egypt. The resin was used for embalming. But myrrh is also mentioned in the Bible.Because of its spicy scent, myrrh was considered a symbol of the womb of the earth and female sensuality in various ancient cultures.When you smoke myrrh, you will experience a warm, earthy scent created by the fine blend of precious aromas. One pack contains 50g groughly ground resin in premium quality, ideal for smoking with incense charcoal or a sieve.

Content: 50 Gramm (€24.00  / 100 Gramm)

€12.00  €15.00  (20% saved)
White sage 25g smoked bundle - Smudge Sticks
Smoking bundles of white sage, gently collected by hand, dried and rolled in natural fibers.Each about 25 grams and 12-14 cm long, diameter about 4cm.Energetic cleansing with white sage bundlesSage is not only considered a medicinal plant for a long time, but also as a cleansing incense. White sage is one of their most sacred plants for the indigenous people of North America. Because of its intense aroma, white sage is especially prized. When smoked, it smells aromatic and fresh, spicy and resinous-sweet. It is said that white sage has a disinfectant effect, has a cleansing effect and promotes concentration. Also, he is gladly taken to drive away insects.To smoke there are several ways, including the fumigation of sage bundles, the so-called Smudge Sticks.Smoking rituals have a long traditionFrom time immemorial, people have used this opportunity to bring new energy into their homes and apartments. White sage counts here as the incense par excellence. Smoking this plant cleanses the atmosphere of the room. The incense of white sage banishes negative energies, such as those that can arise after prolonged illness, a quarrel or a separation. But also if you feel the desire for change or simply no longer feel completely comfortable in his four walls, offers an energetic purification by smoking the sage. Many people have fixed rituals regarding the frequency of incense. For example, there are people who burn incense every morning to start the purity of the new day; others burn incense at the end of the week to remove negative experiences and burdens of the past days. The negative energies can thus leave the room and there is room for new, positive energies.Procedure for smoking white sageBefore you free their own four walls from negative energies, the apartment should be clean and tidy. You now carefully light the bundle of white sage. After a short moment, the fire is blown out again. Now the sage glows and can be used for incense. The smoke development is very strong, the smoke should not be inhaled directly. It may also be necessary that you briefly deactivate existing smoke detectors for the time of the incense.To ensure that the white sage can develop its cleansing effect everywhere, go now with the bundle lying in an incense bowl systematically slowly and carefully through each room. It is best to fan the smoke with your hand or even a feather into the corners of the room and both under, as well as behind the individual pieces of furniture. However, since the smell settles in the clothes, the closet should be left out. The windows can remain closed during the ritual or be opened a small crack. After the fumigation is finished, the room should be well aired in any case. Airing is very important and part of the ritual. By airing the dissolved negative energies can go and thus create space for the positive.The sage is extinguished in the bowl with sand or earth, if necessary it also goes with water. You can use the bundle until it is completely used up.Note: Always place the lit sage bundle so that it is not accessible to children and animals..

From €5.00 
Take 3 - Pay only 2
White Sage Incense Sticks
Dispel the everyday smell with these incense sticks and bring freshness and joy into your home. The tart scent of white sage is said to drive away negative and old energies and make room for the new. In addition, the "White Sage" is said to have a cleansing and clarifying effect.A package contains 8 incense sticks with a respective burning time of about 45min..
